
Eventful Days

Recently, there are too many things come to me.. some of them are good ones, but, mostly, the bad news. After unpleasant mid-night works, not only my health but also temper are in a kind of bad condition. Oh, yes, I’ve got a bad cold (..or so-called flu?) Besides of the bad cold, the weird weather in Keelung makes me feel more uncomfortable.

But that’s not the worst at all.

On Tuesday, my motorcycle just got stuck, oh, again, with the same problem: battery drained. So I’ve pulled it to the store and finally got it recharged. The repairman said it might caused by the burglar alarm I installed, since we don’t have so many classes in this semaster, I ride my motorcycle just couple days in a week, the system simply wastes the little power the motorcycle has.

Okay, I’ll remove it, as long as it has no more cats and dogs in Keelung :p (LOL.)

Yesterday, I’ve took a search on the Internet for the information of the musical (also the film) “RENT”, I was astonished. The author, and also the story of how he put it on the stage is a legend. You could check it out at [the Official Site].

I still have so many much to write down here, but now my throat is really, really in bad condition, so that’s all for today.

噢.. 好久沒寫英文了,希望語法不要錯得太離譜 (抖)
