Me me me..
Features (?)
- I don’t smoke, but I drink when I’m sad
- I like to read, but is slow when the text is not on the screen
- I can write programs, but not when it comes to homework
- I’m just me, not the others
How Others Call Me
Formally: Kuo, Yu-Min
Nick: 玉米 (Sounds like “Yui-Mee”, which means “corn” in Chinese)
People on the Internet call me “CornGuo”, as a combination of my nickname and last name. So far, it’s unique.
Brief Introduction
Hi, there. :)
Hello, there. I finished my MA of Computer Science in NTOU, or National Taiwan Ocean University, and now am PhD student. I started to log my life digitally since I had my very first PDA at about a decade ago. This blog is a part of my life, and also a place to complain, to make laugh of something, or to pose some problems I’ve encountered. You could treat it as my public diary, however.
你好。我是基隆國立台灣海洋大學的資訊工程學系的碩士畢業生,同時也仍是博士生。約莫十年前,在我買了第一台 PDA 後,便開始以數位的方式記錄我的生活,這個 Blog 是我生活的一部分,也是我生活的記事本,某種程度來說,你可以把它當成是公開的我的日記。
The articles in my blog are mostly in Chinese, If you’re interested of the article I post, please let me know, and I’d try to translate them into English.
More About Me
- Currently work as Engineer @ iProspect Taiwan
- Senior High: Taipei Municipal Song Shan Senior High School (2000.09 – 2003.06)
- BA: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Taiwan Ocean University (2003.09 – 2007.06)
- MA: Natural Language Processing Lab, Department of CSE, NTOU (2007.09 – 2010.07)
- PhD: Natural Language Processing Lab, Department of CSE, NTOU (2012.09 – ?)
Interested in
- 網頁相關 scripting / Web page scripting (mainly in PHP & JS)
- FreeBSD 與相關應用 / FreeBSD and its applications
- 資料庫系統與相關應用 / Database System applications (PostgreSQL, MySQL)
- 自然語言處理與資料檢索 / Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval
- 資料探勘相關應用 / Data Mining and its applications (for fun)